“From my earliest memories in childhood, I was drawing, coloring, painting, and playing with clay, yarn, and fabric. After declaring to my mother that I was an artist, at age 6, she responded by enrolling me in classes and setting up my first garage studio. At age nine my family relocated from America to foreign countries. First moving to South America and eventually to South Africa where I attended a high school that offered a four art program focusing on art history, practical art, and interior design. Upon returning to America in my mid-twenties, I found my way as a professional artist through design, working with architects, interior designers, and companies who created hospitality design elements. Eventually, I came to the medium of glass. Since my introduction to this fascinating medium, it has remained my focused art form. I realize how blessed I am to have always experienced ART in all forms, my entire life. This is not merely something I do for a living, but in every way, it is the center of my very being. Sharing my vision and inspiring others to think differently through applied art is truly a remarkable experience. I remain humble with gratitude and hope that I will always be able to give back to others through my art for a life that has served me so well.”